Monday, November 17, 2014

How to disable or Remove the Blue tick marks For Read messages in what's app

Hi Friends,as you know that What's app has recently made changes to Application.i.e., Getting blue tick marks when the message we sent to anyone is read.Most of the people liked this one, but there are a separate group of people who doesn't like to message when the message is delivered.This creates a great  misunderstanding between that two people.What's app sensed this and they released a new   version(V2.11.444)  in which you can disable this blue tick marks,just like hiding the last seen.In few days they will release this new version in playstore and appstore,But if you need it right away just go to their official Website 

       Click here to go to their official website.And their you can download the latest version 2.11.444 And download this new version.
  • If you are an android user make sure to check "unknown sources"  by going to settings->security
 Note: This feature however doesn't apply to group messages and will let other participants know when you've read a message. Also, once you disable this feature, you won't be able to view blue double-check marks when you send a message as well. 

That's it guy's if you found this post useful :),just keeping visiting my blog,and you can also stay updated by liking my facebook page

Sunday, November 16, 2014

What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet

Hi friends, i have recently come across a question in Quora "What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet".And I am really stunned to know that we can really be very much productive on the Internet.Following are the some of the websites and also some youtube channels which helps your productivity.

  1. Brain Pickings - Brain Pickings is a human-powered discovery engine for interestingness, a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why, bringing you things you didn’t know you were interested in — until you are. It is maintained by Maria Popova who reads over 12-13 books a week to post all the awesomeness that's in there.
  2. HowStuffWorks- HowStuffWorks is a wholly owned subsidiary of Discovery Communications and is the award-winning source of credible, unbiased, and easy-to-understand explanations of how the world actually works. Gamut of categories to feed your intellectual hunger.
  3. TED: Ideas worth spreading - Learn from the experts by watching under 20 minutes of mind expanding talks.
  4. Investopedia- Learn everything there is to know about finance. From dictionary to tutorials, they have it all!
  5. Mind Tools - An amazing website to train you in different aspects of life!
  6. Mental Floss - An amazing website that offers random, interesting articles and facts.
  7. The Art of Manliness - Another mind expanding blog to keep you inspired and intellectually hungry.
  8. BBC - Future - Know more about the future stuff that matters. Example:Timeline of the far future
  9. Litemind - Litemind is about exploring ways to use our minds efficiently. Covering articles on being more creative,thinking more clearly, boosting your brainpower, developing yourself and more.
  10. Entrepreneur. - For all the entrepreneurs out there.The website offers some amazing insights related to entrepreneurial world.
  11. Stumbleupon  : This helps in discovering more stuff that interests you!
  12. Big Think: They have some great stuff!
  13. The Mind Unleashed: Helps you discover yourself scientifically, culturally and intellectually. Example article: What If Everything You Were Ever Taught Was A Lie?
  14. Top Documentary Films - - Choose from a wide category and watch some interesting documentaries. Example (and favorite one): The Century of the Self
  15. Free Online Course Materials (MIT OpenCourseWare), Coursera,edX - They need no introduction!
  16. Project Gutenberg - Find over 40,000 ebooks
  17. Goodreads - Learn more about your favorite books, review them, find lists, award winning books, quotes, trivia, join reading groups etc.
  18. Zenpecils - Meet art + inspiration + mind expansion.
  19. MAKE- DIY Projects, how-tos and inspiration from geeks, makers and hackers.
  20. Duolingo Want to learn a new language but can't find a reliable source? Duolingo is your solution.
  21. The Muse: For some kick-ass career advice and more!
  22. Coffitivity - Did you know that cafes are one of the best places to spark your creativity? Since now you do, check out coffitivity that creates the atmosphere of a coffee shop straight from your laptop/PC.
  23. IFTT: Standing for “if this then that,” IFTTT helps different apps, online programs, and services work together to make your life way easier. Think getting the weather texted to you every morning or having your photos automatically save to Dropbox. :D
  24. Codeacademy  Extremely addictive website that helps you make the most of your time on the internet and teaches you all about the languages that back it and more!
  25. Canva: Love designing? Then here's Canva for you that makes designing insanely easy for you and the only limitation is your imagination.
  26. Sporcle: Sporcle is still the best place on the internet for testing your knowledge. You can take quizzes on any topic imaginable, which is a pretty fun way to learn new things (and also to challenge your co-workers to see who knows more about obscure TV references or countries of the world).
  27. FACTSlides → Amazing FACTS you didn't know!: FACTSlides allows you to click through a variety of random facts that not only feed your curiosity, but are also perfect fodder for the break room. For example, did you know that UPS delivery trucks save 10 million gallons of gas every year by making no left turns?
  28. 99U : An amazing blog that keeps your brain healthy by stimulating it with beautiful insights into creativity and more!
  29. Fast Company You will never get bored of FastCo if you love business, innovation and everything in between.
  30. zenhabits: One of the most popular blogs out there. Leo's advice on life and his thoughts about stuff we take for granted is marked by extremely meticulous and perspicuous insights.
  31. Farnam Street: Recently discovered this gem of a blog. From Psychology, to books, to decision making, one can find very interesting reads on the blog.
Now some Youtube channels that you can follow!
  1. Veritasium
  2. Vsauce 
  3. MinutePhysics
  4. Numberphile
  5. SciShow
  6. AsapSCIENCE
  7. The RSA
  8. Big Think
  9. eHow
  10. SmarterEveryDay

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